what we do

Our business model consists of two key service areas. We offer high quality age appropriate support services and commercial design & print services, which we use to generate work-based learning opportunities.
Our aim is to have up to 20 people (plus carers and staff) engaging in activities in our workshop and one of our five creative spaces. We provide up to 400-day places per month and we’re currently developing a new additional ‘out of hours’ service to provide more support to our cohort.
The long-term future of Community Workshop’s ambition is to provide multiple services over several sites in the region to provide more support to our client group.

our social impact
Our social impact has a number of core strands:
- To support our service users to feel more empowered and in control of their own lives
- Reduce isolation and loneliness
- Enhance and maintaining skill development through creative and work-based learning
- Enhance physical health
- Provide a safe space to promote understanding and belonging
- Improve our service users’ wellbeing and levels of happiness
- Increase our service users’ confidence and self-esteem
“My favourite instruments
are drums and piano”
– Harry
“I’m enjoying making music
and making friends”
– Jason
“I made myself a coat and a bag”
– Rachel
“I like painting, drawing and colouring”
– Beth
“Hello how are you”
– Ethan